01273 772020


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  • use NHS 111 online 


The HERA arts project at WellBN is a network of programmes using the arts and creative practices that enhance the quality of life, health and wellbeing of our patients, staff and community. 

Mental Health Support

Feeling unable to cope, worried you may hurt yourself or somebody else and/or experiencing suicidal feelings?

Complementary Therapy

At WellBN, we are committed to combining a wide range of health options by merging an NHS GP practice with a long-established complementary health centre, all under the same roof.

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WellBN Latest

Massage and Fibromyalgia

Massage and Fibromyalgia

Massage can benefit you if you have fibromyalgia by easing pain and soothing the nervous system

Access to Work

Access to Work

Get support at work if you have a disability or health condition

Massage and Jaw Pain

Massage and Jaw Pain

Massage for temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction could really benefit you. If you have pain or discomfort in your jaw, or your dentist has told you have TMD, this could help. So, what's TMD?It's pain in your jaw joint and the muscles responsible for jaw movement....
